jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

Contenidos 2º Trimestre

2º Primaria
Unit 4 : Animals

a)   Vocabulario

·         Los animales (bird, crocodile, elephant, lion, monkey, penguin, snake, tiger, zebra, parrot, butterly).

·         Acciones (climb, fly, jump, run, swim)

    b)  Estructuras

·         A (tiger) can/can’t (fly).  

·         It can/can’t (fly)  

·         It  can/can’t (fly)

·         Can a (penguin) (swim)? Yes, it can / No, it can’t.

    c)   Fonética

·         Ritmo y entonación en Animals in my house! , Can a penguin fly?!

·         Sonido /l/

5º Primaria

Unit 3: A town in Peru


Activo: police station, sports centre, museum, bank, theatre, shopping centre, restaurant, cathedral. Between, town centre, post office, Inca.

Repaso:  hospital, shops, cinema, hotel, toy shop, park, zoo, pool.
Behind, next to, opposite, turn left, go straight on, turn right, near, between.
Boy, girl.  School, town. Ice cream, sandwich.  Shark, old, Mum.


Activas: Is there a (bank) in the town centre?.  Yes, there is/No, there isn’t.
There’s a police station. There isn’t a bank. There are shops here.
There are two (hotels) in the town centre.

Repaso: Where’s Peru?.  Turn left.  Turn right.  Go straight on.  They are jumping, wearing, running, walking, eating, riding a bike, drinking, swimming. It’s sunny, I’m walking. This is my friend. His name is Frank.

Bath has got lots of shops. Lugares de una ciudad.

6º Primaria

Unit 3: Castles in Romania


Activo: Gardens,  castle,  ticket,  office,  bookshop,  snack bar,  gift shop,  stables,  picnic area,  toilets. El alfabeto.

Repaso: next to, behind, opposite, between, go horse-riding, hungry, big, family, friends. Sofa, television, radio, lamp, telephone, bookcase, chairs, table, houses, castle. Next to, opposite, between, behind, in, before/now. Town, park, school, supermarket, cinema, post office, hospital, bank, train station, library, square, small. England. Winter, standing, dancing, flower. Bedroom, bathroom, city, town, history, art, summer.

Activas: Where’s the (snack bar)?, Where are the (gardens)?,  There’s a (gift shop) next to the (ticket office), There are (stables) next to the (toilets)  There was  a (table) in the (kitchen), There wasn’t a (television) in the (living room),  There were two (televisions), There weren’t two (radios).
Repaso: It’s/They’re, Where are the toilets? There’s a (gift shop),  It’s (bigger) than…,  Do you want to visit it?, I want to (go to the toilet), I live (in a small town), It’s (three hundred) years old.  Objetos del hogar